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Make the world a better place
by creating a sense of belonging
in the minds of the internally displaced
Stretch forth a helping hand.

You are only as good
as the good you do

children at IDP camps

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Do you know that as at May 2019, there are 1,980,036 identified internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Nigeria with 80% of them originating from the Northern part of the country?

Most of these displacements have been as a result of the Boko Haram insurgency, insecurity issues like kidnappings and killings by the Fulani herdsmen, and other disasters like flood all around Nigeria.
There are numbers of IDP camps around the country including the Borno Teachers’ Village camp, Borno Bakassi camp, Muhammed Goni international stadium and many others in Abuja, Lagos, and the Eastern part of the country.
Despite the challenges in acquiring complete displacement data, the Displacement Tracking Matrix recorded over 500,000 new IDPs in 2018 and as of August 2019 alone, there are 6800 new displacements leading to an inadequate supply of basic needs for the occupants.

Despite the various contributions and inputs from the Nigerian government to shelter and reintegrate IDPs, a large void remains; Many in Abuja and Borno states have to depend on the limited humanitarian assistance to meet their basic food, health, shelter and security needs.

Around 1.4 million IDPs were in need of health assistance as of the beginning of 2019, and a similar number needed shelter support. Every day, these people have to face food shortage, epidemic disease outbreak and traumatic experiences including sexual violence. The state of our IDP camps calls for a human rights emergency. It is up to us all, to push forward for a positive change.

NairoCare is passionate about improving the living conditions of the internally displaced persons across Nigeria. With your contributions and donations, we can provide a better living condition for those who need our help.

people’s silhouette





Make the world a better place
by creating a sense of belonging
in the minds of the internally displaced
Stretch forth a helping hand.

You are only as good
as the good you do

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